Licensed to WSY Swimming            HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 3.0 7/3/2011 10:49 AM
                      Hershey Vs Heatherfield - 7/2/2011                       
Event 1  Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:03.35             Falcon Aquatic Club                        
        TEAM: $ 1:16.38    3/2/2002 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         D. Jackson, T. Wilfong, M. Veith, S. Faulstick    
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:13.80    1:10.45$       
     1) Posavec, Leo 8                  2) Axtman, Eric 7                 
     3) Mata, Matthew 8                 4) Dowling, Jack 8                
                  34.85     1:10.45 (35.60)                                        
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                      1:17.59    1:15.06$       
     1) Drexler, Noah 7                 2) Wingert, Andreas 7             
     3) Hoover, Justin 8                4) Cramer, Andy 8                 
                  37.95     1:15.06 (37.11)                                        
  3 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                           NT    1:57.10        
     1) Guerrisi, Jack 8                2) Engle, Peter 6                 
     3) Hancock, Zachary 6              4) Gerard, Evan 8                 
                  53.73   1:57.10 (1:03.37)                                        
Event 2  Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:04.91             Carlisle Swim Club                         
        TEAM: $ 1:05.27   2/26/2011 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         V. Tafuto, A. Mitrovic, E. Jones, S. Raab         
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                      1:17.13    1:13.26        
     1) Tafuto, Tori 8                  2) Ceneviva, Katie 8              
     3) Weller, Ally 8                  4) Pedersen, Ella 8               
  2 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:13.88    1:17.71        
     1) Recce, Maddalena 8              2) King, Caroline 8               
     3) Lelinski, Danielle 8            4) Langan, Fiona 8                
  3 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'B'                      1:18.22    1:19.94        
     1) Redmond, Emma 8                 2) Dinello, Taryn 7               
     3) Woronko, Angela 7               4) Mitrovic, Anastasia 8          
                  46.22     1:19.94 (33.72)                                        
  4 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                           NT    1:23.21        
     1) Parody, Ava 7                   2) Stoneking, Kristi 8            
     3) Parody, Olivia 7                4) Burkholder, Maurah 6           
                  49.70     1:23.21 (33.51)                                        
  5 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'C'                           NT   x1:39.36        
     1) Weiss, Allison 8                2) Brixius, Caydan 8              
     3) Bailey, Elizabeth 6             4) Corbett, Delia 8               
                  51.25     1:39.36 (48.11)                                        
Event 3  Boys 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:59.58             Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club             
        TEAM: $ 2:15.33   2/17/2008 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         J. Reilly, Z. Ceneviva, J. Hagan, W. Drexler      
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'B'                      2:31.31    2:27.18        
     1) Koconis, James 9                2) Duck, Elijah 10                
     3) Fackler, Charlie 10             4) Batakci, Levent 10             
                  36.89     1:11.81 (34.92)     1:49.73 (37.92)     2:27.18 (37.45)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                      2:32.39    2:27.75        
     1) Hagan, Zach 10                  2) Zhuang, John 10                
     3) Drexler, Jacob 9                4) Zimmerman, Trey 9              
                  33.38     1:05.92 (32.54)     1:42.33 (36.41)     2:27.75 (45.42)
  3 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                           NT    2:29.97        
     1) Bloom, Christopher 10           2) Hancock, Jonah 9               
     3) Marolf, Nolan 9                 4) Axtman, John 9                 
                  34.34     1:14.78 (40.44)     1:58.18 (43.40)     2:29.97 (31.79)
Event 4  Girls 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:58.17   2/17/2001 Hershey Aquatic Club                       
                         K Walters, S Gelb, A. Gulbrandsen, K Moyer        
        TEAM: $ 2:11.64  12/15/2000 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         K. Moyer, S. Gelb, K. Walters, A. Gulbrandsen     
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                      2:21.43    2:20.86        
     1) Cramer, Myla 10                 2) Day, Grace 10                  
     3) Koons, Sydney 10                4) Frye, Rachel 10                
                  33.59     1:11.09 (37.50)     1:46.86 (35.77)     2:20.86 (34.00)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'B'                      2:22.45    2:20.92        
     1) Fackler, Katie 10               2) Wingert, Heidi Luise 10        
     3) Chen, Willow 10                 4) Hagan, Maggie 10               
                  30.00     1:06.33 (36.33)     1:47.04 (40.71)     2:20.92 (33.88)
  3 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'C'                      2:20.79   x2:21.25        
     1) Maloy, Taryn 10                 2) Raab, Shannon 9                
     3) Kratz, Breanna 10               4) Eichman, Olivia 10             
                  32.42     1:05.32 (32.90)     1:47.33 (42.01)     2:21.25 (33.92)
  4 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                           NT    2:23.61        
     1) Posavec, Katie 10               2) Cherry, Madeline 9             
     3) Suknaic, Nora 10                4) Recce, Gabriella 9             
                  35.22     1:08.87 (33.65)     1:49.20 (40.33)     2:23.61 (34.41)
  5 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                           NT    2:55.53        
     1) Mazza, Sophia 10                2) Lilly, Rachael 9               
     3) Lilly, Miranda 10               4) Peper, Brynn 10                
                  44.91     1:31.43 (46.52)     2:16.97 (45.54)     2:55.53 (38.56)
Event 5  Boys 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:49.48   2/20/2005 FSC                                        
                         A.Weik, M.Lightner, R.Sullivan, B.Galbraith       
        TEAM: $ 1:43.93   2/19/2006 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         T. Maurer, D. Nolan, K. Ruddle, J. Young          
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:55.66    2:03.74        
     1) King, Daniel 11                 2) Balog, Sam 11                  
     3) Cherry, Jake 12                 4) Mata, Jonathan 12              
                  32.07     1:03.22 (31.15)     1:35.24 (32.02)     2:03.74 (28.50)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                      2:04.97    2:03.89        
     1) Luttrell, Cole 11               2) Geyer, Grant 12                
     3) Hwang, Alan 11                  4) Young, Jason 12                
                  32.11     1:04.24 (32.13)     1:35.26 (31.02)     2:03.89 (28.63)
  3 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                           NT    2:11.22        
     1) Martino, Nicholas 12            2) Yingst, Blake 11               
     3) Walak, Elliott 12               4) Smith, Grant 11                
                  32.13     1:07.91 (35.78)     1:24.95 (17.04)     2:11.22 (46.27)
Event 6  Girls 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:49.26   2/20/2005 FSC                                        
                         S.Moffit, P.Ferrara, S.Doss, R.Quillen            
        TEAM: $ 1:45.52   3/10/2011 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         O. Duck, C. Rippon, K. Buchanan, O. Barone        
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'C'                      1:57.05    1:55.86        
     1) Raab, Allie 11                  2) Nolan, Emily 12                
     3) Tafuto, Sally 11                4) Hess, Kate 12                  
                  27.78       56.27 (28.49)     1:25.46 (29.19)     1:55.86 (30.40)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                      1:58.32    1:58.18        
     1) Buchanan, Kaley 12              2) Surfus, Taylor 12              
     3) Ayers, Brianna 12               4) Snavely, Sarah 12              
                  27.03       56.25 (29.22)     1:27.34 (31.09)     1:58.18 (30.84)
  3 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'B'                      1:57.10   x1:59.63        
     1) Duck, Olivia 12                 2) Croxall, Emily 12              
     3) Epler, Lauren 11                4) Hess, Abbey 12                 
                  26.97       56.43 (29.46)     1:29.11 (32.68)     1:59.63 (30.52)
  4 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:55.29    2:09.81        
     1) Yoder, Ally 11                  2) Guerrisi, Ally 12              
     3) Parody, Lauren 11               4) Dempsey, Emily 12              
                  31.38     1:04.74 (33.36)     1:38.00 (33.26)     2:09.81 (31.81)
Event 7  Boys 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:35.67   7/31/1999 YY                                         
                         M Trump, N Fuhrman, N Ruppert, K Voorheis         
        TEAM: $ 1:37.69   2/20/2005 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         R. Maurer, J. Kane, N. Pawlush, K. King           
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'B'                      1:44.64    1:43.47        
     1) Drexler, Will 13                2) Ceneviva, Zach 14              
     3) Lee, Peter 14                   4) Walters, Caleb 14              
                  24.28       49.25 (24.97)     1:17.67 (28.42)     1:43.47 (25.80)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                      1:45.33    1:44.97        
     1) Bair, Sam 14                    2) Duck, Isaiah 14                
     3) Hagan, Josh 14                  4) Ruddle, Trevor 14              
                  26.90       52.94 (26.04)     1:18.73 (25.79)     1:44.97 (26.24)
  3 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:49.62    1:47.10        
     1) Mellinger, Marco 13             2) Bloom, Nicholas 13             
     3) Bennett, Tanner 14              4) Pompei, Alexander 13           
                  26.47       54.90 (28.43)     1:21.69 (26.79)     1:47.10 (25.41)
  4 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'C'                      2:01.55   x2:00.31        
     1) Heck, Will 13                   2) Schwartz, Austin 14            
     3) Ceneviva, Matt 13               4) Zachary, Kevin 11              
                  27.83       56.47 (28.64)     1:28.19 (31.72)     2:00.31 (32.12)
Event 8  Girls 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:43.46   7/31/1997 HAC                                        
                         J.Keefer, E.Weidensaul, A.Starsinic, E.Rosensteel 
        TEAM: $ 1:53.12   7/31/1993 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC                  
                         M. Sharp, Sa. Smith, T. Sotack , M. Hurst         
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'B'                      1:48.38    1:47.74$       
     1) Fistrovic, Niki 14              2) Young, Jenny 14                
     3) Tafuto, Vivi 14                 4) Buchanan, Jessica 14           
                  26.69       54.02 (27.33)     1:20.77 (26.75)     1:47.74 (26.97)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                      1:48.55    1:52.02$       
     1) Stutzman, Bethany 13            2) Lee, Maggie 14                 
     3) Curtin, Riley 14                4) Luttrell, Kiersten 13          
                  29.16       55.47 (26.31)     1:22.91 (27.44)     1:52.02 (29.11)
  3 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:51.16    1:58.78        
     1) Burkholder, Alexis 13           2) Cherry, Rachel 13              
     3) Walak, Emily 14                 4) Dempsey, Molly 13              
                  28.50       56.99 (28.49)     1:31.05 (34.06)     1:58.78 (27.73)
  4 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'C'                      1:57.55   x2:00.80        
     1) Robertson, Bailey 13            2) Skelly, Jocelyn 14             
     3) Kiessling, Joli 13              4) McCarty, Gaby 13               
                  30.45     1:00.99 (30.54)     1:31.68 (30.69)     2:00.80 (29.12)
Event 9  Boys 15 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:25.38    2/6/2011 Hershey HS                                 
                         S.Nakano, B.Bauchwitz, J.Young, D.Nolan           
        TEAM: $ 1:37.28   3/15/2004 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         Wietekamp, Oskutis, R.Felty, Fornadley            
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'B'                      1:35.17    1:28.96$       
     1) Nolan, David 18                 2) Ceneviva, Steven 16            
     3) Sherwood, Ian 16                4) Bauchwitz, Ben 18              
                  20.57       44.69 (24.12)     1:07.34 (22.65)     1:28.96 (21.62)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                      1:34.60    1:31.17$       
     1) DeLuce, Peter 16                2) Tafuto, Vinny 16               
     3) Ceneviva, Nick 17               4) Young, Jeffrey 18              
                  23.79       45.46 (21.67)     1:09.49 (24.03)     1:31.17 (21.68)
  3 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'C'                      1:35.85   x1:32.62$       
     1) Ruddle, Kyle 17                 2) Mancuso, Philip 16             
     3) Luttrell, Zach 15               4) Doss, Austin 16                
                  23.35       46.00 (22.65)     1:10.16 (24.16)     1:32.62 (22.46)
  4 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:33.92    1:36.44$       
     1) Martino, Alex 18                2) Pompei, Anthony 15             
     3) Walak, Charles 18               4) Benedict, Luke 18              
                  25.03       49.11 (24.08)     1:13.35 (24.24)     1:36.44 (23.09)
  5 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                           NT    2:02.22        
     1) Anderson, Richard 18            2) Balog, Jacob 16                
     3) Moody, Deric 17                 4) Harper, Drew 18                
                  26.14     1:01.91 (35.77)     1:31.39 (29.48)     2:02.22 (30.83)
Event 10  Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:37.86   1/15/2009 Hershey HS                                 
                         K.Miller, S.Rapp, K.VanBlargan, K.Nolan           
        TEAM: $ 1:44.58   3/16/2011 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         Y.Nakano, C.McCarty, S.Surfus, M.Veith            
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'A'                      1:44.30    1:45.77        
     1) Raab, Meaghan 15                2) Waitkavicz, Ariana 15          
     3) Miller, Meghan 15               4) McCarty, Carolyn 17            
                  24.30       52.13 (27.83)     1:19.02 (26.89)     1:45.77 (26.75)
  2 Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'B'                      1:43.13    1:46.63        
     1) Eckels, Carrigan 16             2) Hess, Reney 15                 
     3) Nasta, Hazel 16                 4) Miller, Katelyn 18             
                  26.80       55.09 (28.29)     1:22.51 (27.42)     1:46.63 (24.12)
  3 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                           NT    1:50.79        
     1) Dempsey, Courtney 15            2) Plevinsky, Brooke 17           
     3) Schaffer, Marissa 15            4) Lelinski, Katie 18             
                  28.13       55.65 (27.52)     1:24.04 (28.39)     1:50.79 (26.75)
  4 Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                      1:45.04    2:02.06        
     1) Frank, Rachel 15                2) Hreha, Jessica 13              
     3) Hreha, Courtney 16              4) Walker, Amanda 18              
                  30.00     1:00.79 (30.79)     1:32.54 (31.75)     2:02.06 (29.52)
 -- Hershey Aquatic Club-MA  'C'                      1:57.38   X2:00.59        
     1) Dinello, Taylor 16              2) Santangelo, Emma 16            
     3) Stutzman, Bethany 13            4) Waverka, Emily 18              
                  28.88       57.01 (28.13)     1:26.28 (29.27)     2:00.59 (34.31)
Event 11  Boys 9-10 100 Yard IM
        Pool:   1:07.57   2/22/2003 Steven Gasparini, WSY                      
        TEAM: $ 1:11.13   2/28/1989 Steven Matthews, HAC                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Zhuang, John              10 Hershey-MA           1:24.41    1:21.46        
                  38.74     1:21.46 (42.72)                                        
  2 Hagan, Zach               10 Hershey-MA           1:24.58    1:25.43        
                  39.53     1:25.43 (45.90)                                        
  3 Bloom, Christopher        10 HEA                  1:24.84    1:25.55        
                  39.64     1:25.55 (45.91)                                        
  4 Axtman, John               9 HEA                  1:27.00    1:27.42        
                  40.87     1:27.42 (46.55)                                        
  5 Drexler, Jacob             9 Hershey-MA           1:42.62    1:34.63        
                  41.34     1:34.63 (53.29)                                        
Event 12  Girls 9-10 100 Yard IM
        Pool:   1:08.87   2/22/2003 Emily Weaner, WSY                          
        TEAM: $ 1:08.01   3/29/2001 Katy A. Moyer, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Fackler, Katie            10 Hershey-MA           1:19.98    1:19.22        
                  35.76     1:19.22 (43.46)                                        
  2 Cramer, Myla              10 Hershey-MA           1:23.42    1:23.53        
                  39.26     1:23.53 (44.27)                                        
  3 Recce, Gabriella           9 HEA                  1:31.00    1:25.40        
                  38.81     1:25.40 (46.59)                                        
  4 Maloy, Taryn              10 Hershey-MA           1:27.01    1:25.47        
                  39.23     1:25.47 (46.24)                                        
  5 Suknaic, Nora             10 HEA                  1:55.00    1:51.18        
                  52.03     1:51.18 (59.15)                                        
  6 Mazza, Sophia             10 HEA                  2:00.00    1:54.15        
                  50.89   1:54.15 (1:03.26)                                        
 -- Hagan, Maggie             10 Hershey-MA           1:31.35   X1:26.48        
                  39.31     1:26.48 (47.17)                                        
 -- Wingert, Heidi Luise      10 Hershey-MA           1:33.55   X1:33.71        
                  42.32     1:33.71 (51.39)                                        
 -- Eichman, Olivia           10 Hershey-MA           1:39.41   X1:37.90        
                  44.52     1:37.90 (53.38)                                        
 -- Koons, Sydney             10 Hershey-MA           1:42.43   X1:41.70        
                  47.55     1:41.70 (54.15)                                        
 -- Kratz, Breanna            10 Hershey-MA           1:42.64   X1:47.14        
                  48.64     1:47.14 (58.50)                                        
 -- Lilly, Rachael             9 HEA                       NT   X1:57.97        
                  57.48   1:57.97 (1:00.49)                                        
 -- Stoneking, Kristi          8 HEA                  2:38.67   X1:59.65        
                  52.62   1:59.65 (1:07.03)                                        
Event 13  Boys 11-12 100 Yard IM
        Pool:   1:01.68             Steven Matthews, HAC                       
        TEAM: $ 1:00.57   2/19/2000 Derek Oskutis, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Hwang, Alan               11 Hershey-MA           1:18.92    1:18.49        
                  36.49     1:18.49 (42.00)                                        
  2 Geyer, Grant              12 Hershey-MA           1:17.99    1:19.68        
                  38.69     1:19.68 (40.99)                                        
  3 King, Daniel              11 HEA                  1:20.72    1:20.57        
                  36.12     1:20.57 (44.45)                                        
  4 Zimmerman, Koen           11 Hershey-MA           1:32.35    1:26.09        
                  40.91     1:26.09 (45.18)                                        
  5 Balog, Sam                11 HEA                  1:26.00    1:26.98        
                  42.18     1:26.98 (44.80)                                        
  6 Smith, Grant              11 HEA                       NT    1:37.56        
                  45.14     1:37.56 (52.42)                                        
Event 14  Girls 11-12 100 Yard IM
        Pool:   1:01.17             L Bianco, WSY                              
        TEAM: $ 1:01.20  12/12/2008 Meaghan M. Raab, HAC-MA                    
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Duck, Olivia              12 Hershey-MA           1:06.26    1:08.06        
                  31.48     1:08.06 (36.58)                                        
  2 Buchanan, Kaley           12 Hershey-MA           1:06.74    1:09.21        
                  31.60     1:09.21 (37.61)                                        
  3 Raab, Allie               11 Hershey-MA           1:09.93    1:09.43        
                  32.46     1:09.43 (36.97)                                        
  4 Dempsey, Emily            12 HEA                  1:19.93    1:20.96        
                  36.89     1:20.96 (44.07)                                        
  5 Yoder, Ally               11 HEA                  1:22.44    1:22.11        
                  37.97     1:22.11 (44.14)                                        
  6 Guerrisi, Ally            12 HEA                  1:26.04    1:27.89        
                  38.19     1:27.89 (49.70)                                        
 -- Hess, Kate                12 Hershey-MA           1:19.70   X1:18.45        
                  36.86     1:18.45 (41.59)                                        
 -- Dinello, Tess             12 Hershey-MA           1:16.63   X1:19.14        
                  38.00     1:19.14 (41.14)                                        
 -- Geyer, Brooke             11 Hershey-MA           1:43.07   X1:31.26        
                  44.54     1:31.26 (46.72)                                        
Event 15  Boys 13-14 100 Yard IM
        Pool:   55.05   7/28/2007 Steven Gasparini, Indian Creek               
        TEAM: $ 56.01   1/31/1993 Steven Matthews, HAC                         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Drexler, Will             13 Hershey-MA           1:05.53    1:01.53        
                  28.31     1:01.53 (33.22)                                        
  2 Ceneviva, Zach            14 Hershey-MA           1:09.04    1:03.31        
                  30.31     1:03.31 (33.00)                                        
  3 Pompei, Alexander         13 HEA                  1:07.35    1:06.04        
                  30.60     1:06.04 (35.44)                                        
  4 Duck, Isaiah              14 Hershey-MA           1:06.54    1:06.38        
 -- Ceneviva, Matt            13 Hershey-MA           1:21.44   X1:24.40        
                  38.61     1:24.40 (45.79)                                        
Event 16  Girls 13-14 100 Yard IM
        Pool:   58.87   7/31/1999 Liane Bianco WSY, WSY                        
        TEAM: $ 59.66   6/12/2010 Meaghan Raab, HAC-MA                         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Lee, Maggie               14 Hershey-MA           1:05.95    1:07.33        
                  31.20     1:07.33 (36.13)                                        
  2 Fistrovic, Niki           14 Hershey-MA           1:05.05    1:08.18        
  3 Young, Jenny              14 Hershey-MA           1:06.87    1:08.41        
                  31.94     1:08.41 (36.47)                                        
  4 Burkholder, Alexis        13 HEA                  1:09.74    1:11.83        
                  32.73     1:11.83 (39.10)                                        
  5 Cherry, Rachel            13 HEA                  1:14.54    1:16.09        
                  33.58     1:16.09 (42.51)                                        
  6 Walak, Emily              14 HEA                  1:25.61    1:31.54        
                  41.21     1:31.54 (50.33)                                        
 -- Tafuto, Vivi              14 Hershey-MA           1:08.43   X1:07.63        
                  32.38     1:07.63 (35.25)                                        
 -- Buchanan, Jessica         14 Hershey-MA           1:14.28   X1:14.23        
                  33.50     1:14.23 (40.73)                                        
 -- Hwang, Grace              13 Hershey-MA           1:15.19   X1:14.52        
                  35.33     1:14.52 (39.19)                                        
 -- Skelly, Jocelyn           14 Hershey-MA           1:18.45   X1:14.58        
                  32.03     1:14.58 (42.55)                                        
 -- McCarty, Gaby             13 Hershey-MA           1:23.98   X1:15.42        
                  35.96     1:15.42 (39.46)                                        
 -- McInerney, Becky          13 Hershey-MA           1:22.20   X1:20.65        
                  36.75     1:20.65 (43.90)                                        
 -- Kiessling, Carly          13 Hershey-MA           1:22.84   X1:21.99        
                  38.41     1:21.99 (43.58)                                        
 -- Barone, Oriana            13 Hershey-MA           1:04.43        SCR        
Event 17  Boys 15 & Over 100 Yard IM
        Pool:   52.16             P. O'Neill, WSY                              
        TEAM: $ 52.66   7/19/2008 David J. Nolan, HAC-MA                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Nolan, David              18 Hershey-MA                NT      49.21$       
                  22.39       49.21 (26.82)                                        
  2 Bauchwitz, Ben            18 Hershey-MA             54.60      55.32        
                  26.85       55.32 (28.47)                                        
  3 Doss, Austin              16 Hershey-MA             56.19      55.87        
                  25.17       55.87 (30.70)                                        
  4 Ruddle, Kyle              17 Hershey-MA             57.42     x57.49        
                  26.30       57.49 (31.19)                                        
  5 Benedict, Luke            18 HEA                  1:03.99    1:00.72        
                  28.74     1:00.72 (31.98)                                        
  6 Walak, Charles            18 HEA                  1:05.85    1:09.04        
                  33.54     1:09.04 (35.50)                                        
 -- Mancuso, Philip           16 Hershey-MA           1:00.12     X55.95        
                  24.92       55.95 (31.03)                                        
 -- Nguyen, Felix             17 Hershey-MA           1:03.74   X1:02.86        
                  29.44     1:02.86 (33.42)                                        
 -- Skelly, Sebastian         16 Hershey-MA           1:03.48   X1:03.09        
                  29.92     1:03.09 (33.17)                                        
Event 18  Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard IM
        Pool:   59.84   6/30/2007 Katie Nolan, HAC                             
        TEAM: $ 59.84   6/30/2007 Katie Nolan, HAC-MA                          
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Raab, Meaghan             15 Hershey-MA             59.66      59.76$       
                  27.72       59.76 (32.04)                                        
  2 McCarty, Carolyn          17 Hershey-MA           1:05.76    1:04.16        
                  30.33     1:04.16 (33.83)                                        
  3 Santangelo, Emma          16 Hershey-MA           1:06.83    1:08.57        
                  31.25     1:08.57 (37.32)                                        
  4 Dempsey, Courtney         15 HEA                  1:11.73    1:12.30        
                  32.61     1:12.30 (39.69)                                        
  5 Plevinsky, Brooke         17 HEA                  1:11.19    1:13.52        
                  34.65     1:13.52 (38.87)                                        
  6 Schaffer, Marissa         15 HEA                  1:12.92    1:13.84        
 -- Hess, Reney               15 Hershey-MA           1:10.77   X1:09.89        
                  32.26     1:09.89 (37.63)                                        
 -- Nasta, Hazel              16 Hershey-MA           1:10.90   X1:11.71        
                  34.03     1:11.71 (37.68)                                        
 -- Waverka, Emily            18 Hershey-MA           1:29.98   X1:28.72        
                  38.71     1:28.72 (50.01)                                        
Event 19  Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   13.82             Jordan Charles, Northeast                    
        TEAM: $ 14.07    7/8/2006 Timothy J. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Posavec, Leo               8 HEA                    15.79      14.89        
  2 Dowling, Jack              8 HEA                    16.14      16.97        
  3 Axtman, Eric               7 HEA                    19.17      17.68        
  4 Drexler, Noah              7 Hershey-MA             19.13      18.30        
  5 Hoover, Justin             8 Hershey-MA             20.47      19.39        
  6 Wingert, Andreas           7 Hershey-MA             21.20      19.67        
 -- Guerrisi, Jack             8 HEA                    41.32     X20.23        
 -- Zimmerman, Grant           7 Hershey-MA             22.49     X20.88        
 -- Eichman, Anthony           8 Hershey-MA             22.32     X20.92        
 -- Weller, Jason              6 Hershey-MA             23.06     X25.83        
 -- Hancock, Lucas             6 HEA                    27.09     X29.89        
 -- Hancock, Zachary           6 HEA                    27.37     X31.16        
 -- Gerard, Evan               8 HEA                    33.84     X31.24        
 -- Hancock, Ike               5 HEA                    36.74     X40.29        
Event 20  Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   14.15             A Luttermoser, MSC                           
        TEAM: $ 14.47   2/13/2005 Meaghan M. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Mitrovic, Anastasia        8 Hershey-MA             15.17      15.13        
  2 Tafuto, Tori               8 Hershey-MA             17.56      16.59        
  3 Weller, Ally               8 Hershey-MA             18.05      17.21        
  4 Langan, Fiona              8 HEA                    18.10      17.45        
  5 King, Caroline             8 HEA                    18.55      18.06        
  6 Lelinski, Danielle         8 HEA                    19.01      18.46        
 -- Redmond, Emma              8 Hershey-MA             19.95     X18.71        
 -- Recce, Maddalena           8 HEA                    19.45     X19.25        
 -- Woronko, Angela            7 Hershey-MA             20.21     X19.58        
 -- Pedersen, Ella             8 Hershey-MA             20.42     X20.24        
 -- Ceneviva, Katie            8 Hershey-MA             21.10     X21.11        
 -- Burkholder, Maurah         6 HEA                    20.43     X21.41        
 -- Surfus, Jordyn             7 Hershey-MA             23.66     X22.28        
 -- Corbett, Delia             8 HEA                    21.67     X22.70        
 -- Weiss, Allison             8 HEA                    20.98     X23.54        
 -- Zachary, Elizabeth         7 Hershey-MA             25.78     X23.57        
 -- Bailey, Elizabeth          6 HEA                    26.65     X24.51        
 -- Dinello, Taryn             7 Hershey-MA             22.89     X25.49        
 -- Brixius, Caydan            8 HEA                    22.97     X25.68        
 -- McCloskey, Nicole          6 Hershey-MA                NT     X27.61        
 -- Zhmurkin, Lydia            8 HEA                    26.30     X27.69        
 -- Spizzieri, Angelina        8 HEA                       NT     X29.01        
 -- Dighe, Shriya              7 HEA                    28.17     X29.37        
Event 21  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   27.77             J Linn, DEC                                  
        TEAM: $ 27.72   7/19/2008 Timothy J. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Axtman, John               9 HEA                    32.74      32.07        
  2 Hagan, Zach               10 Hershey-MA             32.08      32.61        
  3 Koconis, James             9 Hershey-MA             36.53      35.21        
  4 Duck, Elijah              10 Hershey-MA             36.75      36.86        
  5 Marolf, Nolan              9 HEA                    44.59      43.16        
  6 Bailey, Thomas             9 HEA                    58.75    1:01.79        
 -- Fackler, Charlie          10 Hershey-MA             37.88     X37.63        
 -- Batakci, Levent           10 Hershey-MA             40.15     X38.52        
 -- Ayers, Corey              10 Hershey-MA                NT     X40.80        
 -- Zimmerman, Trey            9 Hershey-MA             50.32     X45.76        
Event 22  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   27.41   7/31/1999 K Ricedorf, CVAC                             
        TEAM: $ 26.97   3/31/2011 Allie Raab, HAC-MA                           
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Raab, Shannon              9 Hershey-MA             32.13      32.60        
  2 Frye, Rachel              10 Hershey-MA             35.51      34.08        
  3 Cherry, Madeline           9 HEA                    35.70      34.87        
  4 Day, Grace                10 Hershey-MA             37.17      37.91        
  5 Peper, Brynn              10 HEA                    42.27      40.35        
  6 Suknaic, Nora             10 HEA                    36.19      41.56        
  7 Parody, Olivia             7 HEA                    47.32     x46.66        
 -- McCloskey, Grace          10 Hershey-MA                NT     X32.55        
 -- Chen, Willow              10 Hershey-MA             40.36     X37.78        
 -- Ruddle, Jillian            9 Hershey-MA             42.70     X41.53        
 -- Yun, Michelle              9 Hershey-MA             46.53     X42.35        
 -- Parody, Ava                7 HEA                       NT     X42.59        
 -- Lilly, Rachael             9 HEA                    43.83     X44.21        
 -- Fitterer, Maya             9 Hershey-MA             45.01     X45.14        
 -- Lilly, Miranda            10 HEA                    45.23     X46.79        
Event 23  Boys 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   24.48             G Gipson, TAC                                
        TEAM: $ 24.54  10/30/1999 Joe Dellasega, HAC-MA                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Young, Jason              12 Hershey-MA             29.75      30.55        
  2 Martino, Nicholas         12 HEA                    32.72      30.91        
  3 Balog, Sam                11 HEA                    31.39      31.49        
  4 Cherry, Jake              12 HEA                    31.00      32.00        
  5 Luttrell, Cole            11 Hershey-MA             31.28      32.83        
  6 Zachary, Kevin            11 Hershey-MA             32.68      33.96        
 -- Walak, Elliott            12 HEA                    32.75     X31.86        
 -- Yingst, Blake             11 HEA                    35.45     X36.72        
 -- Kaplon, Nathaniel         12 HEA                    38.59     X38.04        
 -- Marolf, Shane             12 HEA                    44.58     X44.51        
 -- Gerard, Noah              11 HEA                       NT     X46.48        
Event 24  Girls 11-12 50 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   24.82    1/3/2008 Meaghan Raab, Hershey                        
        TEAM: $ 24.82   12/6/2008 Meaghan M. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Buchanan, Kaley           12 Hershey-MA             25.92      26.84        
  2 Nolan, Emily              12 Hershey-MA             28.07      28.01        
  3 Croxall, Emily            12 Hershey-MA             28.72      28.53        
  4 Guerrisi, Ally            12 HEA                    33.67      33.40        
  5 Parody, Lauren            11 HEA                    32.94      33.45        
  6 Stoneking, Alissa         11 HEA                    41.00      42.09        
 -- Tafuto, Sally             11 Hershey-MA             29.86     X29.78        
 -- Hess, Abbey               12 Hershey-MA             30.92     X30.93        
 -- Snavely, Sarah            12 Hershey-MA             30.70     X31.43        
 -- Ayers, Brianna            12 Hershey-MA             31.96     X32.36        
 -- Epler, Lauren             11 Hershey-MA             31.28     X33.27        
 -- Mortensen, Taylor         12 Hershey-MA                NT     X33.98        
 -- Geyer, Brooke             11 Hershey-MA             38.94     X38.40        
 -- Wuerz, Emily              12 HEA                    41.10     X40.40        
 -- Moody, Chelsea            12 HEA                    42.27     X42.16        
Event 25  Boys 13-14 50 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   22.28   7/25/2009 Nathan Smith, Latshmere                      
        TEAM: $ 22.16   1/12/2008 David J. Nolan, HAC-MA                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Ceneviva, Zach            14 Hershey-MA             25.21      25.09        
  2 Hagan, Josh               14 Hershey-MA             26.05      25.87        
  3 Pompei, Alexander         13 HEA                    25.55      25.91        
  4 Ruddle, Trevor            14 Hershey-MA             25.69      26.95        
  5 Bennett, Tanner           14 HEA                    28.27      27.78        
  6 Parody, Nicholas          13 HEA                    34.78      36.74        
 -- Bair, Sam                 14 Hershey-MA             28.10     X27.61        
 -- Schwartz, Austin          14 Hershey-MA             29.06     X28.56        
 -- Lee, Peter                14 Hershey-MA             27.73     X28.90        
Event 26  Girls 13-14 50 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   24.30   7/28/2007 Samantha Moffit, FSC                         
        TEAM: $ 23.34   3/16/2011 Meaghan Raab, HAC-MA                         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Tafuto, Vivi              14 Hershey-MA             27.23      26.96        
  2 Fistrovic, Niki           14 Hershey-MA             26.14      27.19        
  3 Dempsey, Molly            13 HEA                    28.24      27.72        
  4 Curtin, Riley             14 Hershey-MA             27.07      28.06        
  5 Hreha, Jessica            13 HEA                    34.11      31.27        
  6 Krampe, Emma              13 HEA                    36.95      35.75        
 -- Buchanan, Jessica         14 Hershey-MA             28.35     X28.62        
 -- Rhoads, Rylie             14 Hershey-MA             30.56     X29.31        
 -- Stutzman, Bethany         13 Hershey-MA             29.83     X29.62        
 -- Luttrell, Kiersten        13 Hershey-MA             28.87     X29.68        
 -- Robertson, Bailey         13 Hershey-MA             29.77     X29.95        
 -- Kiessling, Joli           13 Hershey-MA             29.57     X30.21        
 -- Hwang, Grace              13 Hershey-MA             29.87     X30.50        
 -- Waverka, Grace            13 Hershey-MA             31.95     X31.21        
 -- Umberger, Leah            14 Hershey-MA             31.56     X31.55        
 -- Epler, Meghan             13 Hershey-MA             32.80     X32.27        
 -- Barone, Oriana            13 Hershey-MA             25.89        SCR        
Event 27  Boys 15 & Over 50 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   20.88        2010 David Nolan, Hershey                         
        TEAM: $ 19.58   3/16/2011 David Nolan, HAC-MA                          
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Young, Jeffrey            18 Hershey-MA             20.51      21.59        
  2 Bauchwitz, Ben            18 Hershey-MA             21.41      21.83        
  3 Tafuto, Vinny             16 Hershey-MA             22.38      22.27        
  4 Benedict, Luke            18 HEA                    22.92      23.64        
  5 Walak, Charles            18 HEA                    23.90      25.83        
  6 Balog, Jacob              16 HEA                    26.50      26.58        
 -- Sherwood, Ian             16 Hershey-MA             23.03     X23.10        
 -- DeLuce, Peter             16 Hershey-MA             22.91     X23.58        
 -- Benovy, Cole              16 Hershey-MA             24.09     X24.30        
 -- Ceneviva, Nick            17 Hershey-MA             23.68     X24.57        
 -- Ceneviva, Steven          16 Hershey-MA             23.63     X24.68        
 -- Nguyen, Felix             17 Hershey-MA             24.96     X25.26        
 -- Yang, Gary                15 Hershey-MA             28.41     X27.46        
 -- Zachary, CJ               15 Hershey-MA             28.34     X27.79        
 -- Harper, Drew              18 HEA                    26.52     X29.10        
 -- Moody, Deric              17 HEA                    29.85     X30.35        
 -- Gordin, Jacob             18 Hershey-MA             22.64        SCR        
Event 28  Girls 15 & Over 50 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   23.78   2/12/2009 Katie Nolan, Hershey                         
        TEAM: $ 23.37   2/27/2009 Katie Nolan, HAC-MA                          
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Miller, Katelyn           18 Hershey-MA             23.51      24.93        
  2 Miller, Meghan            15 Hershey-MA             26.77      26.88        
  3 Lelinski, Katie           18 HEA                    25.58      26.94        
  4 Waitkavicz, Ariana        15 Hershey-MA             27.43      28.04        
  5 Plevinsky, Brooke         17 HEA                    27.43      28.08        
  6 Hreha, Courtney           16 HEA                    31.08      31.97        
 -- Dinello, Taylor           16 Hershey-MA             28.52     X28.60        
 -- Waverka, Emily            18 Hershey-MA             32.56     X33.77        
Event 29  Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke
        Pool:   17.37             T Bigelow, CH                                
        TEAM: $ 17.49   7/31/1995 B. Rubbo, HAC                                
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Posavec, Leo               8 HEA                    19.11      19.41        
  2 Cramer, Andy               8 Hershey-MA             19.91      19.85        
  3 Dowling, Jack              8 HEA                    21.13      21.47        
  4 Wingert, Andreas           7 Hershey-MA             23.75      21.74        
  5 Drexler, Noah              7 Hershey-MA             23.00      22.06        
  6 Mata, Matthew              8 HEA                    23.20      24.15        
 -- Hoover, Justin             8 Hershey-MA             27.93     X23.75        
 -- Eichman, Anthony           8 Hershey-MA             25.99     X24.64        
 -- Guerrisi, Jack             8 HEA                    28.00     X25.73        
 -- Zimmerman, Grant           7 Hershey-MA             25.46     X26.66        
 -- Hancock, Lucas             6 HEA                    33.07     X29.60        
 -- Weller, Jason              6 Hershey-MA             27.94     X32.22        
 -- Hancock, Ike               5 HEA                    49.90     X46.55        
 -- Gerard, Evan               8 HEA                    45.25     X48.45        
 -- Hancock, Zachary           6 HEA                    37.77     X48.68        
Event 30  Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke
        Pool:   16.93   2/22/2003 Sada Stewart, YY                             
        TEAM: $ 16.85   2/28/1994 Jenna Walters, HAC                           
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Mitrovic, Anastasia        8 Hershey-MA             18.63      18.83        
  2 Redmond, Emma              8 Hershey-MA             22.80      22.24        
  3 Woronko, Angela            7 Hershey-MA             22.72      22.58        
  4 Langan, Fiona              8 HEA                    21.76      23.35        
  5 Recce, Maddalena           8 HEA                    24.99      23.90        
  6 Lelinski, Danielle         8 HEA                    23.52      25.56        
 -- Pedersen, Ella             8 Hershey-MA             23.22     X22.87        
 -- Weller, Ally               8 Hershey-MA             25.96     X23.00        
 -- Burkholder, Maurah         6 HEA                    25.00     X25.31        
 -- Stoneking, Kristi          8 HEA                    29.60     X25.51        
 -- Zachary, Elizabeth         7 Hershey-MA             25.33     X26.53        
 -- Surfus, Jordyn             7 Hershey-MA             26.05     X29.10        
 -- Parody, Ava                7 HEA                    27.01     X30.63        
 -- Parody, Olivia             7 HEA                    28.54     X30.98        
 -- Zhmurkin, Lydia            8 HEA                    46.21     X32.21        
 -- Brixius, Caydan            8 HEA                    30.30     X32.28        
 -- McCloskey, Nicole          6 Hershey-MA                NT     X32.37        
 -- Corbett, Delia             8 HEA                    25.03     X32.58        
 -- Weiss, Allison             8 HEA                    28.88     X33.26        
 -- Dinello, Taryn             7 Hershey-MA             29.27     X33.84        
 -- Bailey, Elizabeth          6 HEA                    31.36     X34.03        
 -- Dighe, Shriya              7 HEA                    39.36     X39.98        
 -- Spizzieri, Angelina        8 HEA                       NT     X46.62        
Event 31  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke
        Pool:   32.28             J Weaver, YY                                 
        TEAM: $ 32.15   2/14/2004 Timmy Maurer, HAC-MA                         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Axtman, John               9 HEA                    45.00      40.68        
  2 Duck, Elijah              10 Hershey-MA             41.29      43.82        
  3 Fackler, Charlie          10 Hershey-MA             45.43      44.27        
  4 Batakci, Levent           10 Hershey-MA             50.88      47.16        
  5 Hancock, Jonah             9 HEA                    51.43      48.72        
 -- Koconis, James             9 Hershey-MA                NT     X42.21        
 -- Ayers, Corey              10 Hershey-MA                NT     X53.68        
 -- Zimmerman, Trey            9 Hershey-MA                NT     X55.24        
Event 32  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Backstroke
        Pool:   31.73   2/28/1995 Lauren Sarricks, HAC                         
        TEAM: $ 31.73   2/28/1995 Lauren Sarricks, HAC                         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Fackler, Katie            10 Hershey-MA             35.03      36.38        
  2 Cramer, Myla              10 Hershey-MA             38.53      38.41        
  3 Maloy, Taryn              10 Hershey-MA             38.29      39.90        
  4 Recce, Gabriella           9 HEA                    40.36      39.93        
  5 Posavec, Katie            10 HEA                    44.54      41.36        
  6 Suknaic, Nora             10 HEA                    44.84      49.16        
 -- Hagan, Maggie             10 Hershey-MA             38.65     X40.74        
 -- Wingert, Heidi Luise      10 Hershey-MA             41.71     X43.72        
 -- Eichman, Olivia           10 Hershey-MA             44.81     X44.56        
 -- Koons, Sydney             10 Hershey-MA             44.22     X45.43        
 -- Yun, Michelle              9 Hershey-MA                NT     X53.07        
 -- Fitterer, Maya             9 Hershey-MA             51.48     X53.60        
 -- Peper, Brynn              10 HEA                    57.99     X55.41        
Event 33  Boys 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke
        Pool:   29.10             B Herman, HAC                                
        TEAM: $ 27.87   2/19/2006 Timmy Maurer, HAC-MA                         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Mata, Jonathan            12 HEA                    33.12      33.54        
  2 King, Daniel              11 HEA                    35.92      35.88        
  3 Zachary, Kevin            11 Hershey-MA             34.52      36.06        
  4 Cherry, Jake              12 HEA                    39.73      39.82        
  5 Young, Jason              12 Hershey-MA             41.28      41.67        
  6 Luttrell, Cole            11 Hershey-MA             35.65      42.08        
 -- Kaplon, Nathaniel         12 HEA                    47.58     X51.27        
 -- Marolf, Shane             12 HEA                    59.95     X53.71        
 -- Gerard, Noah              11 HEA                       NT     X55.10        
Event 34  Girls 11-12 50 Yard Backstroke
        Pool:   29.09   2/28/1997 Lauren Sarricks, HAC                         
        TEAM: $ 28.73   7/25/2004 Katie Nolan, HAC-MA                          
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Duck, Olivia              12 Hershey-MA             31.28      33.36        
  2 Buchanan, Kaley           12 Hershey-MA             33.03      33.67        
  3 Surfus, Taylor            12 Hershey-MA             34.03      34.36        
  4 Yoder, Ally               11 HEA                    40.95      39.47        
  5 Wuerz, Emily              12 HEA                    51.88      52.20        
  6 Moody, Chelsea            12 HEA                    50.24      52.40        
 -- Nolan, Emily              12 Hershey-MA             34.09     X33.90        
 -- Croxall, Emily            12 Hershey-MA             36.15     X36.44        
 -- Hess, Kate                12 Hershey-MA             38.19     X37.28        
 -- Snavely, Sarah            12 Hershey-MA             38.48     X37.50        
 -- Ayers, Brianna            12 Hershey-MA             36.60     X38.30        
 -- Epler, Lauren             11 Hershey-MA             37.85     X39.58        
 -- Stoneking, Alissa         11 HEA                    52.95     X50.65        
Event 35  Boys 13-14 50 Yard Backstroke
        Pool:   25.26   7/20/2005 Kyle King, HAC-MA                            
        TEAM: $ 25.20   2/27/2010 Austin Doss, HAC-MA                          
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Hagan, Josh               14 Hershey-MA             27.98      28.90        
  2 Duck, Isaiah              14 Hershey-MA             31.51      31.45        
  3 Heck, Will                13 Hershey-MA             30.59      31.78        
  4 Bloom, Nicholas           13 HEA                    33.04      33.14        
  5 Bennett, Tanner           14 HEA                    36.73      36.14        
  6 Parody, Nicholas          13 HEA                    44.67      45.81        
 -- Walters, Caleb            14 Hershey-MA             32.36        SCR        
 -- Ruddle, Trevor            14 Hershey-MA             31.92        SCR        
Event 36  Girls 13-14 50 Yard Backstroke
        Pool:   27.85             A Roth GETY, GETY                            
        TEAM: $ 27.88   3/12/2008 Katelyn Miller, HAC-MA                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Fistrovic, Niki           14 Hershey-MA             30.58      31.78        
  2 Young, Jenny              14 Hershey-MA             30.73      33.15        
  3 Stutzman, Bethany         13 Hershey-MA             31.88      33.35        
  4 Dempsey, Molly            13 HEA                    33.82      33.49        
  5 Cherry, Rachel            13 HEA                    32.05      33.99        
  6 Krampe, Emma              13 HEA                    47.47      46.18        
 -- Luttrell, Kiersten        13 Hershey-MA             35.09     X35.38        
 -- Buchanan, Jessica         14 Hershey-MA             34.04     X35.48        
 -- Gensemer, Sara            14 Hershey-MA             37.89     X35.82        
 -- Rhoads, Rylie             14 Hershey-MA             37.50     X36.02        
 -- Skelly, Jocelyn           14 Hershey-MA             39.37     X37.10        
 -- Kiessling, Carly          13 Hershey-MA             39.20     X40.38        
 -- Epler, Meghan             13 Hershey-MA             42.02     X43.79        
Event 37  Boys 15 & Over 50 Yard Backstroke
        Pool:   24.13   7/14/2001 John Lutz, HAC-MA                            
        TEAM: $ 21.82   3/17/2010 David Nolan, HRSHY-03                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Doss, Austin              16 Hershey-MA             23.84      25.75        
  2 Mancuso, Philip           16 Hershey-MA             26.70      26.16        
  3 Sherwood, Ian             16 Hershey-MA             26.08      26.68        
  4 Martino, Alex             18 HEA                    28.98      29.51        
  5 Pompei, Anthony           15 HEA                    34.46      31.80        
  6 Balog, Jacob              16 HEA                    30.68      31.88        
 -- Luttrell, Zach            15 Hershey-MA             27.23     X27.98        
 -- Benovy, Cole              16 Hershey-MA             28.85     X28.73        
 -- Walters, Caleb            14 Hershey-MA             32.36     X30.34        
 -- Zachary, CJ               15 Hershey-MA             32.90     X33.65        
 -- Ruddle, Trevor            14 Hershey-MA             31.92     X34.06        
 -- Gordin, Jacob             18 Hershey-MA             28.21        SCR        
Event 38  Girls 15 & Over 50 Yard Backstroke
        Pool:   27.61    7/5/2008 Katie Nolan, HAC-MA                          
        TEAM: $ 25.67   3/16/2011 Yurie Nakano, HAC-MA                         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Waitkavicz, Ariana        15 Hershey-MA             28.22      30.94        
  2 Santangelo, Emma          16 Hershey-MA             28.74      30.97        
  3 Miller, Meghan            15 Hershey-MA             31.26      31.15        
  4 Dempsey, Courtney         15 HEA                    32.05      32.67        
  5 Schaffer, Marissa         15 HEA                    34.68      35.59        
  6 Frank, Rachel             15 HEA                    38.51      39.06        
 -- McCarty, Carolyn          17 Hershey-MA             32.06     X30.68        
 -- Eckels, Carrigan          16 Hershey-MA             32.25     X31.75        
Event 39  Boys 9-10 100 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   1:02.23   12/7/2002 Steven Gasparini, YY                       
        TEAM: $ 1:01.06   2/22/2004 David J. Nolan, HAC-MA                     
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Zhuang, John              10 Hershey-MA           1:21.20    1:13.90        
                  36.47     1:13.90 (37.43)                                        
  2 Drexler, Jacob             9 Hershey-MA           1:28.99    1:25.41        
                  38.73     1:25.41 (46.68)                                        
  3 Fackler, Charlie          10 Hershey-MA           1:23.17    1:25.47        
                  40.55     1:25.47 (44.92)                                        
  4 Hancock, Jonah             9 HEA                  1:34.61    1:33.80        
                  43.16     1:33.80 (50.64)                                        
  5 Marolf, Nolan              9 HEA                  1:46.01    1:37.13        
                  45.76     1:37.13 (51.37)                                        
Event 40  Girls 9-10 100 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   59.28   2/22/2003 Emily Weaner, WSY                            
        TEAM: $ 58.86   3/31/2011 Allie Raab, HAC-MA                           
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Maloy, Taryn              10 Hershey-MA           1:10.81    1:10.84        
                  34.58     1:10.84 (36.26)                                        
  2 McCloskey, Grace          10 Hershey-MA                NT    1:14.93        
                  35.74     1:14.93 (39.19)                                        
  3 Raab, Shannon              9 Hershey-MA           1:15.57    1:17.32        
                  38.03     1:17.32 (39.29)                                        
  4 Cherry, Madeline           9 HEA                  1:18.60    1:17.60        
                  36.67     1:17.60 (40.93)                                        
  5 Peper, Brynn              10 HEA                  1:40.32    1:42.89        
                  47.57     1:42.89 (55.32)                                        
  6 Mazza, Sophia             10 HEA                       NT    1:49.55        
                  50.32     1:49.55 (59.23)                                        
 -- Frye, Rachel              10 Hershey-MA           1:20.70   X1:18.39        
                  36.71     1:18.39 (41.68)                                        
 -- Day, Grace                10 Hershey-MA           1:38.23   X1:28.54        
                  40.99     1:28.54 (47.55)                                        
 -- Ruddle, Jillian            9 Hershey-MA           1:37.33   X1:38.71        
                  44.12     1:38.71 (54.59)                                        
 -- Fitterer, Maya             9 Hershey-MA                NT   X1:40.80        
                  48.42     1:40.80 (52.38)                                        
Event 41  Boys 11-12 100 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   54.37             Steven Matthews, HAC                         
        TEAM: $ 53.63   2/20/2000 Derek Oskutis, HAC-MA                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Mata, Jonathan            12 HEA                  1:03.36    1:05.43        
                  30.21     1:05.43 (35.22)                                        
  2 King, Daniel              11 HEA                  1:20.26    1:10.38        
                  34.13     1:10.38 (36.25)                                        
  3 Geyer, Grant              12 Hershey-MA           1:14.37    1:10.75        
                  33.62     1:10.75 (37.13)                                        
  4 Young, Jason              12 Hershey-MA           1:09.44    1:11.98        
                  33.37     1:11.98 (38.61)                                        
  5 Martino, Nicholas         12 HEA                  1:11.23    1:12.35        
                  34.43     1:12.35 (37.92)                                        
  6 Zimmerman, Koen           11 Hershey-MA           1:16.45    1:15.54        
                  36.36     1:15.54 (39.18)                                        
Event 42  Girls 11-12 100 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   52.67  11/29/2008 Meaghan Raab, HAC-MA                         
        TEAM: $ 52.55   3/12/2009 Meaghan M. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Raab, Allie               11 Hershey-MA             58.86    1:01.19        
                  29.81     1:01.19 (31.38)                                        
  2 Surfus, Taylor            12 Hershey-MA           1:06.33    1:05.49        
                  32.64     1:05.49 (32.85)                                        
  3 Tafuto, Sally             11 Hershey-MA           1:06.88    1:06.54        
                  31.63     1:06.54 (34.91)                                        
  4 Dempsey, Emily            12 HEA                  1:12.10    1:12.14        
                  33.94     1:12.14 (38.20)                                        
  5 Parody, Lauren            11 HEA                  1:19.40    1:18.06        
                  36.55     1:18.06 (41.51)                                        
  6 Stoneking, Alissa         11 HEA                  2:02.67    1:41.52        
                  45.04     1:41.52 (56.48)                                        
 -- Hess, Kate                12 Hershey-MA           1:06.91   X1:08.33        
                  32.96     1:08.33 (35.37)                                        
 -- Hess, Abbey               12 Hershey-MA           1:07.17   X1:08.88        
                  33.95     1:08.88 (34.93)                                        
 -- Dinello, Tess             12 Hershey-MA           1:10.89   X1:12.41        
                  35.25     1:12.41 (37.16)                                        
 -- Mortensen, Taylor         12 Hershey-MA                NT   X1:15.41        
                  35.55     1:15.41 (39.86)                                        
Event 43  Boys 13-14 100 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   48.36   7/25/2009 Nathan Smith, Latshmere                      
        TEAM: $ 48.35   1/12/2008 David J. Nolan, HAC-MA                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Drexler, Will             13 Hershey-MA             52.32      54.18        
                  25.85       54.18 (28.33)                                        
  2 Mellinger, Marco          13 HEA                  1:01.82      57.96        
                  27.41       57.96 (30.55)                                        
  3 Walters, Caleb            14 Hershey-MA             57.74      58.43        
                  27.62       58.43 (30.81)                                        
  4 Heck, Will                13 Hershey-MA           1:02.19      59.83        
                  28.83       59.83 (31.00)                                        
  5 Bloom, Nicholas           13 HEA                  1:06.92    1:03.62        
                  30.36     1:03.62 (33.26)                                        
  6 Bennett, Tanner           14 HEA                  1:07.81    1:06.33        
                  30.95     1:06.33 (35.38)                                        
 -- Bair, Sam                 14 Hershey-MA           1:04.89   X1:01.57        
                  28.90     1:01.57 (32.67)                                        
 -- Ceneviva, Matt            13 Hershey-MA           1:08.25   X1:12.72        
                  34.34     1:12.72 (38.38)                                        
Event 44  Girls 13-14 100 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   52.02    1/9/2010 Meaghan Raab, HAC-MA                         
        TEAM: $ 49.32   3/16/2011 Meaghan Raab, HAC-MA                         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Lee, Maggie               14 Hershey-MA             57.25      59.36        
                  27.87       59.36 (31.49)                                        
  2 Burkholder, Alexis        13 HEA                  1:09.58    1:01.98        
                  29.32     1:01.98 (32.66)                                        
  3 Curtin, Riley             14 Hershey-MA             59.61    1:03.47        
                  30.74     1:03.47 (32.73)                                        
  4 Luttrell, Kiersten        13 Hershey-MA           1:02.74    1:04.43        
                  31.00     1:04.43 (33.43)                                        
  5 Hreha, Jessica            13 HEA                  1:19.75    1:10.00        
                  32.80     1:10.00 (37.20)                                        
  6 Walak, Emily              14 HEA                  1:17.46    1:15.86        
                  34.53     1:15.86 (41.33)                                        
 -- Kiessling, Joli           13 Hershey-MA           1:05.33   X1:05.89        
                  31.13     1:05.89 (34.76)                                        
 -- Robertson, Bailey         13 Hershey-MA           1:07.36   X1:06.96        
                  32.01     1:06.96 (34.95)                                        
 -- Waverka, Grace            13 Hershey-MA           1:11.14   X1:09.97        
                  33.82     1:09.97 (36.15)                                        
 -- Umberger, Leah            14 Hershey-MA           1:10.81   X1:10.78        
                  34.05     1:10.78 (36.73)                                        
 -- McInerney, Becky          13 Hershey-MA           1:15.48   X1:12.88        
                  34.36     1:12.88 (38.52)                                        
 -- Kiessling, Carly          13 Hershey-MA           1:15.47   X1:14.20        
                  34.98     1:14.20 (39.22)                                        
Event 45  Boys 15 & Over 100 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   46.66   1/15/2009 David Nolan, Hershey                         
        TEAM: $ 42.34   3/16/2011 David Nolan, HAC-MA                          
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Young, Jeffrey            18 Hershey-MA             45.79      48.82        
                  23.18       48.82 (25.64)                                        
  2 Doss, Austin              16 Hershey-MA             49.56      50.08        
                  24.07       50.08 (26.01)                                        
  3 Ruddle, Kyle              17 Hershey-MA             49.02      52.29        
                  24.74       52.29 (27.55)                                        
  4 Martino, Alex             18 HEA                    53.45      56.47        
                  26.69       56.47 (29.78)                                        
  5 Walak, Charles            18 HEA                    58.54      59.66        
  6 Harper, Drew              18 HEA                  1:01.64    1:06.76        
                  29.89     1:06.76 (36.87)                                        
 -- DeLuce, Peter             16 Hershey-MA             49.80     X51.26        
                  25.10       51.26 (26.16)                                        
 -- Luttrell, Zach            15 Hershey-MA             50.58     X52.76        
                  25.34       52.76 (27.42)                                        
 -- Ceneviva, Steven          16 Hershey-MA             53.19     X54.42        
                  25.76       54.42 (28.66)                                        
 -- Skelly, Sebastian         16 Hershey-MA             56.87     X56.15        
                  26.78       56.15 (29.37)                                        
 -- Yang, Gary                15 Hershey-MA           1:00.59   X1:00.21        
                  29.23     1:00.21 (30.98)                                        
 -- Zachary, CJ               15 Hershey-MA           1:02.20   X1:00.66        
                  29.36     1:00.66 (31.30)                                        
Event 46  Girls 15 & Over 100 Yard Freestyle
        Pool:   51.69   1/20/2011 Katie Nolan, Hershey                         
        TEAM: $ 49.75   3/11/2009 Katie Nolan, HAC-MA                          
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Miller, Katelyn           18 Hershey-MA             51.50      54.52        
                  26.14       54.52 (28.38)                                        
  2 Eckels, Carrigan          16 Hershey-MA             55.15      57.43        
                  27.57       57.43 (29.86)                                        
  3 Lelinski, Katie           18 HEA                    56.54    1:00.74        
                  28.64     1:00.74 (32.10)                                        
  4 Hess, Reney               15 Hershey-MA             57.38    1:01.23        
                  29.49     1:01.23 (31.74)                                        
  5 Frank, Rachel             15 HEA                  1:04.92    1:05.10        
                  31.40     1:05.10 (33.70)                                        
  6 Walker, Amanda            18 HEA                  1:02.89    1:05.96        
                  31.85     1:05.96 (34.11)                                        
 -- Dinello, Taylor           16 Hershey-MA           1:01.67   X1:02.57        
                  29.93     1:02.57 (32.64)                                        
 -- Nasta, Hazel              16 Hershey-MA             58.07   X1:02.72        
                  29.76     1:02.72 (32.96)                                        
Event 47  Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke
        Pool:   17.98             T Reinbold, FAL                              
        TEAM: $ 18.72   2/18/2006 Timothy J. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Axtman, Eric               7 HEA                    22.91      22.52        
  2 Cramer, Andy               8 Hershey-MA             25.67      23.62        
  3 Hoover, Justin             8 Hershey-MA             25.76      24.76        
  4 Mata, Matthew              8 HEA                    25.93      25.02        
  5 Guerrisi, Jack             8 HEA                    28.01      28.40        
  6 Wingert, Andreas           7 Hershey-MA                NT      28.95        
Event 48  Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Breaststroke
        Pool:   18.42             A Schaeberle, DAAC                           
        TEAM: $ 18.18   2/20/2005 Meaghan M. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Mitrovic, Anastasia        8 Hershey-MA             20.55      20.42        
  2 Tafuto, Tori               8 Hershey-MA             26.00      23.75        
  3 Lelinski, Danielle         8 HEA                    23.53      24.83        
  4 King, Caroline             8 HEA                    27.50      25.76        
  5 Pedersen, Ella             8 Hershey-MA             25.58      26.08        
  6 Stoneking, Kristi          8 HEA                    27.98      28.06        
 -- Weller, Ally               8 Hershey-MA             27.27     X27.07        
 -- Redmond, Emma              8 Hershey-MA             28.09     X27.44        
 -- Ceneviva, Katie            8 Hershey-MA             28.88     X33.52        
 -- Corbett, Delia             8 HEA                    39.08     X36.41        
 -- Surfus, Jordyn             7 Hershey-MA                NT     X39.59        
 -- Zachary, Elizabeth         7 Hershey-MA                NT     X44.03        
 -- Dighe, Shriya              7 HEA                  1:09.90        XDQ        
      Alternating Kick
 -- Zhmurkin, Lydia            8 HEA                    49.95        XDQ        
      Downward butterfly kick
 -- Brixius, Caydan            8 HEA                       NT        XDQ        
      Non-simultaneous kick
 -- Parody, Olivia             7 HEA                       NT        XDQ        
      Shoulders not at or past vertical towards breast off the wall
 -- Weiss, Allison             8 HEA                    33.24        XDQ        
      Scissors kick
 -- Parody, Ava                7 HEA                    32.14        XDQ        
      Downward butterfly kick
Event 49  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke
        Pool:   34.66             T Reinbold, FAL                              
        TEAM: $ 37.10   7/19/2008 Timothy J. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Bloom, Christopher        10 HEA                    43.31      44.10        
  2 Hagan, Zach               10 Hershey-MA             50.22      49.27        
  3 Koconis, James             9 Hershey-MA                NT      51.20        
  4 Duck, Elijah              10 Hershey-MA             53.55      53.25        
  5 Marolf, Nolan              9 HEA                  1:00.00    1:09.77        
 -- Bailey, Thomas             9 HEA                  1:11.24         DQ        
      One hand touch
Event 50  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Breaststroke
        Pool:   34.26             Anita Nall, LM                               
        TEAM: $ 34.82   2/17/2008 Vivi Tafuto, HAC-MA                          
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Cramer, Myla              10 Hershey-MA             41.08      40.53        
  2 Cherry, Madeline           9 HEA                    44.10      42.83        
  3 Chen, Willow              10 Hershey-MA             44.91      43.51        
  4 Day, Grace                10 Hershey-MA             44.43      43.97        
  5 Posavec, Katie            10 HEA                    45.26      47.54        
  6 Lilly, Rachael             9 HEA                  1:01.00      58.95        
 -- Hagan, Maggie             10 Hershey-MA             46.67     X45.48        
 -- Wingert, Heidi Luise      10 Hershey-MA             48.66     X47.84        
 -- Koons, Sydney             10 Hershey-MA             54.03     X51.22        
 -- Kratz, Breanna            10 Hershey-MA             54.30     X52.69        
 -- Lilly, Miranda            10 HEA                  1:01.42     X56.34        
 -- Eichman, Olivia           10 Hershey-MA             55.31     X57.52        
 -- Ruddle, Jillian            9 Hershey-MA           1:01.90     X58.98        
 -- Mazza, Sophia             10 HEA                  1:04.03        XDQ        
      Arms two strokes underwater
Event 51  Boys 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke
        Pool:   31.42   7/31/1999 Jordan Charles, NST                          
        TEAM: $ 30.22   1/31/1993 Josh Evans, HAC                              
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Geyer, Grant              12 Hershey-MA             37.04      37.88        
  2 Hwang, Alan               11 Hershey-MA             39.92      37.99        
  3 Walak, Elliott            12 HEA                    39.66      39.95        
  4 Cherry, Jake              12 HEA                    43.82      44.67        
  5 Zachary, Kevin            11 Hershey-MA             42.75      44.91        
  6 Balog, Sam                11 HEA                    45.00      45.30        
 -- Marolf, Shane             12 HEA                    50.08     X51.27        
 -- Yingst, Blake             11 HEA                    52.06     X51.34        
 -- Smith, Grant              11 HEA                    55.67     X51.87        
 -- Gerard, Noah              11 HEA                       NT        XDQ        
      Alternating Kick
Event 52  Girls 11-12 50 Yard Breaststroke
        Pool:   30.74   7/23/1997 L Bianco, WSY                                
        TEAM: $ 31.71  11/22/2008 Meaghan M. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Raab, Allie               11 Hershey-MA             35.06      35.13        
  2 Dinello, Tess             12 Hershey-MA             39.52      40.72        
  3 Ayers, Brianna            12 Hershey-MA             41.80      41.49        
  4 Dempsey, Emily            12 HEA                    42.16      41.53        
  5 Parody, Lauren            11 HEA                       NT      47.54        
  6 Moody, Chelsea            12 HEA                    47.45      51.10        
 -- Surfus, Taylor            12 Hershey-MA             43.50     X41.03        
 -- Mortensen, Taylor         12 Hershey-MA                NT     X44.43        
 -- Geyer, Brooke             11 Hershey-MA             48.78     X47.90        
Event 53  Boys 13-14 50 Yard Breaststroke
        Pool:   28.38   7/28/2007 Chad Schmidt, CVAC                           
        TEAM: $ 29.09   7/31/1994 Josh Evans, HAC                              
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Mellinger, Marco          13 HEA                    31.33      31.00        
  2 Ceneviva, Zach            14 Hershey-MA             32.77      31.20        
  3 Pompei, Alexander         13 HEA                    31.78      32.19        
  4 Duck, Isaiah              14 Hershey-MA             34.21      34.02        
  5 Lee, Peter                14 Hershey-MA             35.74      36.13        
  6 Parody, Nicholas          13 HEA                       NT      49.58        
 -- Ceneviva, Matt            13 Hershey-MA             40.88     X40.05        
 -- Schwartz, Austin          14 Hershey-MA             43.36     X40.97        
Event 54  Girls 13-14 50 Yard Breaststroke
        Pool:   30.45   7/31/1999 Liane Bianco WSY, WSY                        
        TEAM: $ 31.81   7/31/1993 M. Hurst, HAC                                
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Tafuto, Vivi              14 Hershey-MA             32.92      33.31        
  2 Lee, Maggie               14 Hershey-MA             34.39      34.63        
  3 Curtin, Riley             14 Hershey-MA             35.90      35.61        
  4 Burkholder, Alexis        13 HEA                    35.95      36.59        
  5 Dempsey, Molly            13 HEA                    37.77      37.76        
  6 Krampe, Emma              13 HEA                    49.55      47.21        
 -- Hwang, Grace              13 Hershey-MA             37.20     X36.41        
 -- McCarty, Gaby             13 Hershey-MA             40.36     X36.67        
 -- Gensemer, Sara            14 Hershey-MA             37.06     X37.33        
 -- Rhoads, Rylie             14 Hershey-MA             40.88     X39.54        
 -- Skelly, Jocelyn           14 Hershey-MA             41.62     X41.58        
 -- Epler, Meghan             13 Hershey-MA             43.07     X44.58        
 -- Barone, Oriana            13 Hershey-MA             32.50        SCR        
Event 55  Boys 15 & Over 50 Yard Breaststroke
        Pool:   26.22             Jeremy Linn, DEC                             
        TEAM: $ 28.04   7/25/2009 Kyle S. Ruddle, HAC-MA                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Bauchwitz, Ben            18 Hershey-MA             28.40      27.26$       
  2 Ruddle, Kyle              17 Hershey-MA             28.04      27.68$       
  3 DeLuce, Peter             16 Hershey-MA             30.05      29.23        
  4 Benedict, Luke            18 HEA                    29.37      30.19        
  5 Skelly, Sebastian         16 Hershey-MA             32.66     x32.94        
  6 Pompei, Anthony           15 HEA                    33.92      33.82        
 -- Tafuto, Vinny             16 Hershey-MA             31.26     X30.37        
 -- Ceneviva, Nick            17 Hershey-MA             30.67     X30.85        
 -- Benovy, Cole              16 Hershey-MA             37.30     X33.43        
 -- Nguyen, Felix             17 Hershey-MA             33.77     X33.97        
 -- Yang, Gary                15 Hershey-MA             37.93     X35.28        
 -- Harper, Drew              18 HEA                    36.84     X38.71        
 -- Moody, Deric              17 HEA                    41.21     X39.68        
Event 56  Girls 15 & Over 50 Yard Breaststroke
        Pool:   29.82   7/30/2005 Alex Barsanti, HAC-MA                        
        TEAM: $ 29.78   3/22/2005 Alex Barsanti, HAC-MA                        
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Raab, Meaghan             15 Hershey-MA             31.44      32.02        
  2 McCarty, Carolyn          17 Hershey-MA             33.03      32.56        
  3 Santangelo, Emma          16 Hershey-MA             34.18      35.18        
  4 Walker, Amanda            18 HEA                    35.07      35.71        
  5 Schaffer, Marissa         15 HEA                    35.50      35.80        
  6 Lelinski, Katie           18 HEA                    35.90      36.34        
 -- Dinello, Taylor           16 Hershey-MA             35.29     X36.71        
 -- Plevinsky, Brooke         17 HEA                    35.94     X37.07        
 -- Frank, Rachel             15 HEA                    37.41     X37.37        
 -- Nasta, Hazel              16 Hershey-MA             39.11     X38.78        
 -- Hreha, Courtney           16 HEA                    41.70     X43.86        
Event 57  Boys 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly
        Pool:   15.41             B Wise, PC                                   
        TEAM: $ 15.25    7/8/2006 Timothy J. Raab at MPSL Halifa, HAC-MA       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Posavec, Leo               8 HEA                    17.11      17.72        
  2 Cramer, Andy               8 Hershey-MA             19.88      18.14        
  3 Mata, Matthew              8 HEA                    18.78      19.38        
  4 Dowling, Jack              8 HEA                    20.04      19.99        
  5 Drexler, Noah              7 Hershey-MA             29.33      22.97        
  6 Zimmerman, Grant           7 Hershey-MA                NT      31.67        
 -- Axtman, Eric               7 HEA                    22.17     X21.98        
Event 58  Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Butterfly
        Pool:   15.46   7/24/2010 Gabriella Recce, HEATH                       
        TEAM: $ 14.70   1/15/2005 Meaghan M. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Tafuto, Tori               8 Hershey-MA             17.84      18.48        
  2 Langan, Fiona              8 HEA                    20.24      21.79        
  3 King, Caroline             8 HEA                    20.65      21.83        
  4 Woronko, Angela            7 Hershey-MA             25.50      23.23        
  5 Ceneviva, Katie            8 Hershey-MA             23.50      23.76        
  6 Burkholder, Maurah         6 HEA                    20.96      24.80        
 -- Recce, Maddalena           8 HEA                    24.99     X26.10        
 -- Bailey, Elizabeth          6 HEA                    36.12        XDQ        
      Alternating Kick
Event 59  Boys 9-10 50 Yard Butterfly
        Pool:   30.30   7/31/1999 Cody Weik, FAL                               
        TEAM: $ 30.57   2/22/2004 David J. Nolan, HAC-MA                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Zhuang, John              10 Hershey-MA             37.88      37.02        
  2 Bloom, Christopher        10 HEA                    37.61      37.45        
  3 Drexler, Jacob             9 Hershey-MA             46.40      46.21        
  4 Hancock, Jonah             9 HEA                       NT      51.33        
  5 Batakci, Levent           10 Hershey-MA           1:03.90      53.90        
Event 60  Girls 9-10 50 Yard Butterfly
        Pool:   30.22   2/22/2003 Emily Weaner, WSY                            
        TEAM: $ 30.01   6/24/2006 Meaghan M. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Fackler, Katie            10 Hershey-MA             35.08      34.77        
  2 Recce, Gabriella           9 HEA                    36.75      34.97        
  3 Frye, Rachel              10 Hershey-MA             39.19      39.36        
  4 Posavec, Katie            10 HEA                    38.52      44.56        
  5 Lilly, Miranda            10 HEA                       NT      56.99        
  6 Chen, Willow              10 Hershey-MA             48.73      57.78        
 -- Raab, Shannon              9 Hershey-MA                NT     X37.76        
 -- McCloskey, Grace          10 Hershey-MA                NT     X41.02        
 -- Kratz, Breanna            10 Hershey-MA             48.98     X48.68        
Event 61  Boys 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly
        Pool:   26.53   2/28/1991 M Lehrman, HAC                               
        TEAM: $ 26.53   2/28/1991 M. Lehrman, HAC                              
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Mata, Jonathan            12 HEA                    34.22      33.19        
  2 Hwang, Alan               11 Hershey-MA             37.69      36.63        
  3 Luttrell, Cole            11 Hershey-MA             55.86      39.29        
  4 Martino, Nicholas         12 HEA                    39.24      39.76        
  5 Kaplon, Nathaniel         12 HEA                    40.67      44.69        
 -- Walak, Elliott            12 HEA                       NT     X37.79        
 -- Smith, Grant              11 HEA                       NT     X46.15        
 -- Yingst, Blake             11 HEA                    55.70     X52.35        
 -- Zimmerman, Koen           11 Hershey-MA             44.49         DQ        
      Non-simultaneous arms
Event 62  Girls 11-12 50 Yard Butterfly
        Pool:   26.64   7/14/2004 Katie Nolan, HAC                             
        TEAM: $ 26.45  11/29/2008 Meaghan M. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Duck, Olivia              12 Hershey-MA             28.37      29.34        
  2 Nolan, Emily              12 Hershey-MA             31.84      30.90        
  3 Hess, Abbey               12 Hershey-MA             33.53      33.88        
  4 Guerrisi, Ally            12 HEA                    36.26      35.90        
  5 Yoder, Ally               11 HEA                    38.79      37.67        
  6 Wuerz, Emily              12 HEA                       NT      54.81        
 -- Tafuto, Sally             11 Hershey-MA             33.81     X33.74        
 -- Croxall, Emily            12 Hershey-MA             36.64     X34.58        
 -- Snavely, Sarah            12 Hershey-MA             35.72     X37.02        
 -- Epler, Lauren             11 Hershey-MA             35.57     X39.27        
Event 63  Boys 13-14 50 Yard Butterfly
        Pool:   24.28   7/28/2007 Steven Gasparini, Indian Creek               
        TEAM: $ 25.35   6/23/2007 David J. Nolan, HAC-MA                       
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Drexler, Will             13 Hershey-MA             28.12      26.65        
  2 Hagan, Josh               14 Hershey-MA             29.01      27.69        
  3 Mellinger, Marco          13 HEA                    27.71      27.75        
  4 Walters, Caleb            14 Hershey-MA             30.22      30.34        
  5 Bloom, Nicholas           13 HEA                    30.90      31.99        
 -- Heck, Will                13 Hershey-MA             31.29     X31.14        
 -- Lee, Peter                14 Hershey-MA             33.70     X31.28        
 -- Ruddle, Trevor            14 Hershey-MA             32.23     X31.48        
 -- Schwartz, Austin          14 Hershey-MA             32.48     X32.27        
 -- Bair, Sam                 14 Hershey-MA             40.26     X33.59        
Event 64  Girls 13-14 50 Yard Butterfly
        Pool:   26.20   6/27/2009 Meaghan M Raab, Hershey                      
        TEAM: $ 26.20   6/27/2009 Meaghan M. Raab, HAC-MA                      
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Cherry, Rachel            13 HEA                    29.61      30.57        
  2 Young, Jenny              14 Hershey-MA             31.05      30.58        
  3 Stutzman, Bethany         13 Hershey-MA             33.36      33.20        
  4 Gensemer, Sara            14 Hershey-MA             32.94      34.00        
  5 Hreha, Jessica            13 HEA                    34.29      34.68        
  6 Walak, Emily              14 HEA                    35.92      38.57        
 -- Waverka, Grace            13 Hershey-MA             33.78     X33.95        
 -- Robertson, Bailey         13 Hershey-MA             34.08     X34.35        
 -- McInerney, Becky          13 Hershey-MA             35.92     X35.61        
 -- McCarty, Gaby             13 Hershey-MA             39.56     X36.99        
 -- Umberger, Leah            14 Hershey-MA             40.68     X37.54        
 -- Kiessling, Joli           13 Hershey-MA             39.77     X37.58        
Event 65  Boys 15 & Over 50 Yard Butterfly
        Pool:   23.24   6/27/2009 David J Nolan, Hershey                       
        TEAM: $ 23.16   6/12/2010 Sean Grier, HAC-MA                           
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Mancuso, Philip           16 Hershey-MA             23.74      23.66        
  2 Tafuto, Vinny             16 Hershey-MA             24.95      24.21        
  3 Young, Jeffrey            18 Hershey-MA             24.64      24.81        
  4 Pompei, Anthony           15 HEA                    27.79      27.77        
  5 Martino, Alex             18 HEA                    28.57      28.17        
 -- Sherwood, Ian             16 Hershey-MA             26.58     X25.04        
 -- Ceneviva, Steven          16 Hershey-MA             27.85     X26.66        
 -- Ceneviva, Nick            17 Hershey-MA             27.35     X26.69        
 -- Luttrell, Zach            15 Hershey-MA             28.96     X28.12        
 -- Balog, Jacob              16 HEA                    32.57     X29.83        
 -- Moody, Deric              17 HEA                    35.07     X33.58        
 -- Gordin, Jacob             18 Hershey-MA             27.33        SCR        
Event 66  Girls 15 & Over 50 Yard Butterfly
        Pool:   25.64    7/5/2008 Katie Nolan, HAC-MA                          
        TEAM: $ 25.23   3/20/2007 Kati Nolan, HAC-MA                           
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals        
  1 Raab, Meaghan             15 Hershey-MA             26.20      26.39        
  2 Miller, Katelyn           18 Hershey-MA             26.09      26.89        
  3 Miller, Meghan            15 Hershey-MA             28.69      28.56        
  4 Dempsey, Courtney         15 HEA                    30.24      30.96        
  5 Walker, Amanda            18 HEA                    36.11      35.18        
  6 Hreha, Courtney           16 HEA                    34.77      35.67        
 -- Eckels, Carrigan          16 Hershey-MA             29.51     X29.70        
 -- Hess, Reney               15 Hershey-MA             28.81     X29.72        
 -- Waitkavicz, Ariana        15 Hershey-MA             29.13     X29.86        
 -- Waverka, Emily            18 Hershey-MA             37.28     X36.89        
Event 67  Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:03.35             Falcon Aquatic Club                        
        TEAM: $ 1:04.88   1/21/2006 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         T. Raab, C. Walters, W. Drexler, Z. Ceneviva      
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                           NT        SCR        
     1) Guerrisi, Jack 8                2) Engle, Peter 6                 
     3) Hancock, Zachary 6              4) Gerard, Evan 8                 
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:13.80        SCR        
     1) Posavec, Leo 8                  2) Axtman, Eric 7                 
     3) Mata, Matthew 8                 4) Dowling, Jack 8                
Event 68  Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:04.91             Carlisle Swim Club                         
        TEAM: $ 1:05.27   2/26/2011 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         V. Tafuto, A. Mitrovic, E. Jones, S. Raab         
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                           NT        SCR        
     1) Parody, Ava 7                   2) Stoneking, Kristi 8            
     3) Parody, Olivia 7                4) Burkholder, Maurah 6           
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'C'                           NT        SCR        
     1) Weiss, Allison 8                2) Brixius, Caydan 8              
     3) Bailey, Elizabeth 6             4) Corbett, Delia 8               
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:13.88        SCR        
     1) Recce, Maddalena 8              2) King, Caroline 8               
     3) Lelinski, Danielle 8            4) Langan, Fiona 8                
Event 69  Boys 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:59.58             Cumberland Valley Aquatic Club             
        TEAM: $ 1:58.23   2/22/2004 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         D. Nolan, T. Maurer, M. Veith, K. Ruddle          
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                           NT        SCR        
     1) Bloom, Christopher 10           2) Hancock, Jonah 9               
     3) Marolf, Nolan 9                 4) Axtman, John 9                 
Event 70  Girls 9-10 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:58.17   2/17/2001 Hershey Aquatic Club                       
                         K Walters, S Gelb, A. Gulbrandsen, K Moyer        
        TEAM: $ 1:57.39  12/15/2000 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         K. Walters, A. Gulbrandsen, S. Gelb, K. Moyer     
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                           NT        SCR        
     1) Mazza, Sophia 10                2) Lilly, Rachael 9               
     3) Lilly, Miranda 10               4) Peper, Brynn 10                
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                           NT        SCR        
     1) Posavec, Katie 10               2) Cherry, Madeline 9             
     3) Suknaic, Nora 10                4) Recce, Gabriella 9             
Event 71  Boys 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:49.48   2/20/2005 FSC                                        
                         A.Weik, M.Lightner, R.Sullivan, B.Galbraith       
        TEAM: $ 1:43.93   2/19/2006 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         T. Maurer, D. Nolan, K. Ruddle, J. Young          
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                           NT        SCR        
     1) Martino, Nicholas 12            2) Yingst, Blake 11               
     3) Walak, Elliott 12               4) Smith, Grant 11                
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:55.66        SCR        
     1) King, Daniel 11                 2) Balog, Sam 11                  
     3) Cherry, Jake 12                 4) Mata, Jonathan 12              
Event 72  Girls 11-12 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:49.26   2/20/2005 FSC                                        
                         S.Moffit, P.Ferrara, S.Doss, R.Quillen            
        TEAM: $ 1:45.52   3/10/2011 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         O. Duck, C. Rippon, K. Buchanan, O. Barone        
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:55.29        SCR        
     1) Yoder, Ally 11                  2) Guerrisi, Ally 12              
     3) Parody, Lauren 11               4) Dempsey, Emily 12              
Event 73  Boys 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:35.67   7/31/1999 YY                                         
                         M Trump, N Fuhrman, N Ruppert, K Voorheis         
        TEAM: $ 1:37.69   2/20/2005 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         R. Maurer, J. Kane, N. Pawlush, K. King           
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:49.62        SCR        
     1) Mellinger, Marco 13             2) Bloom, Nicholas 13             
     3) Bennett, Tanner 14              4) Pompei, Alexander 13           
Event 74  Girls 13-14 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:43.46   7/31/1997 HAC                                        
                         J.Keefer, E.Weidensaul, A.Starsinic, E.Rosensteel 
        TEAM: $ 1:42.83   2/15/2009 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         S. Maurer, M. Miller, S. Surfus, A. Grier         
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:51.16        SCR        
     1) Burkholder, Alexis 13           2) Cherry, Rachel 13              
     3) Walak, Emily 14                 4) Dempsey, Molly 13              
Event 75  Boys 15 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:25.38    1/6/2011 Hershey HS                                 
                         S.Nakano, B.Bauchwitz, J.Young, D.Nolan           
        TEAM: $ 1:21.01   3/16/2011 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         D.Nolan, B.Bauchwitz, S.Nakano, J.Young           
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                           NT        SCR        
     1) Anderson, Richard 18            2) Balog, Jacob 16                
     3) Moody, Deric 17                 4) Harper, Drew 18                
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:33.92        SCR        
     1) Martino, Alex 18                2) Pompei, Anthony 15             
     3) Walak, Charles 18               4) Benedict, Luke 18              
Event 76  Girls 15 & Over 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
        Pool:   1:37.86   1/15/2009 Hershey HS                                 
                         K.Miller, S.Rapp, K.VanBlargan, K.Nolan           
        TEAM: $ 1:34.23   3/16/2011 Hershey Aquatic Club, HAC-MA               
                         M.Raab, M.Veith, A.Grier, K.Miller                
    Team                                                 Seed     Finals        
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'B'                           NT        SCR        
     1) Frank, Rachel 15                2) Hreha, Jessica 13              
     3) Hreha, Courtney 16              4) Walker, Amanda 18              
 -- Heatherfield Hurricanes  'A'                      1:45.04        SCR        
     1) Dempsey, Courtney 15            2) Plevinsky, Brooke 17           
     3) Schaffer, Marissa 15            4) Lelinski, Katie 18             
                    Combined Team Scores - Through Event 76                    
  1. Hershey Aquatic Club                717   2. Heatherfield Hurricanes             318